Resources | Newsletter
VWT E-newsletter December 2014
The staff has been busy identifying ways to build on existing areas of work whilst developing new contacts through awareness-raising activities. As a result, the MISE project has secured funding for a further six months, our pine marten feasibility study has moved forward, our species recovery activities in Wales and our long-term Bechstein’s ringing project has provided data for a new PhD partnership with Exeter University.
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VWT E-newsletter May 2014
This issue reflects on the recent death of our friend, founder and primary benefactor, The Honourable Vincent Weir. It also includes details on the launch of a new project, the Pine Marten Recovery Project, and new National Polecat Survey. VWT also collaborates with the Mammal Ecology Group at NUIG on the Irish stoat project.
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VWT E-newsletter October 2013
This issue gives an overview of our work on mustelids, in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, with a particular focus on the pine marten. Our bat work continues with the Impacts of Street Lighting on Biodiversity project, Our Beacon for Bats project, a study tour to Belgium, and our new bat roost webcam.
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VWT E-newsletter March 2012
An update on the Trust’s work, including reports from our key projects and reserves. We also take a look at one of our key partners, Waterford Institute of Technology, and the continued pine marten work taking place in Nietoperek, Poland.
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VWT E-newsletter November 2012
This issue reports on the finding of the first pine marten body discovered in Wales since the 1970s. Also included is a introduction to our new project ‘People and Pine Martens in Wales,’ the report from the Pine Marten Expansion Zone Survey of Scotland, and our new PhD bat study on the ecological impacts of artificial lighting on biodiversity.
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VWT E-newsletter July 2011
This issue includes an overview of work taking place during 2011. Including an introduction to our new Trustee, updates on our pine marten work in Cumbria and Scotland, our new projects Mammals in a Sustainable Environment and Our Beacon for Bats and an insight into a biological recording event, BioBlitz, in Ireland.
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VWT E-newsletter Autumn 2010
The first of VWT’s six-monthly ‘e-zine’ to keep you informed about our work. This issue includes updates on tracking down the Irish stoat, our ‘Prospects for Pine Martens project, news from our dormouse team, and the bat work taking place in Poland, Wales and Dorset.