Vincent Wildlife Trust has been working to conserve threatened mammal species since 1975 and established a permanent presence in Ireland in 1995. The majority of its work has been centered on the rare bat species — in particular the lesser horseshoe bat.
Today, VWT's work in Ireland has a broader remit and focuses not only on the bat species but also on other mammals in need; in particular members of the Mustelid family, which includes the pine marten and the stoat. Where a need is identified, the Trust will initiate a research programme that will support other bodies working to safeguard the future of all mammals in Ireland.
Your donation will help us continue our work on those species that need our help, including the lesser horseshoe bat, Irish stoat and the pine marten. Your support is vital to help threatened mammals survive and thrive once again. You can help to make a difference.

Pine marten projects
Pine martens are recovering across Ireland but the lack of suitable den sites is causing conflict as pine martens are moving into the attics of houses. Vincent Wildlife Trust aims to equip people with the knowledge and tools to reduce the potential for conflicts and to address challenges quickly and effectively when they arise. This work will encourage better coexistence between pine martens and the public while ensuring the conservation of this species. [Photo: ©Robert Cruickshanks]

Bat conservation
Working to safeguard one of Ireland's rarest bats, the lesser horseshoe bat. [Photo: ©Andrew McCarthy]