Resources | Bats
Poulton, S. (2006). An analysis of the usage of bat boxes
This analysis investigates the possibility that batboxes can be used to record the presence of bats in areas where they were previously unknown. The datasets used in this analysis have been derived from the VWT Batbox Database. This holds data from 52 sites collected over 20 years from England, Wales and Ireland.
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Bontadina, F. et al. (2002). Radio-tracking reveals that lesser horseshoe bats forage in woodland
Over the past 50 years European populations of the lesser horseshoe bat have severely declined. To date, studies of the foraging behaviour of this species have been limited as its low mass (4±8g) precluded the use of radio-telemetry because commercially available radio-transmitters exceeded 10% of its body mass. In this study, radiotransmitters weighing <0.35g were built.