Where we're going VWT's Vision, Mission and Ten-Year Strategy

Vision and Mission
Our Vision is that VWT is a catalyst for mammal conservation. Our Mission is to conserve threatened mammals by leading the way with scientifically-sound conservation work.
Our commitment to evidence-based conservation is demonstrated through our role as an Evidence Champion with Conservation Evidence. We plan to further our vision to be a catalyst for conservation, and our mission to conserve threatened mammals, by adopting the Conservation Standards across all aspects of our work; providing a platform for us to increase our effectiveness and share our strategic planning, evidence-based decision making, impact assessment and adaptive conservation management practices with others.
Banner photo: Irish Stoat ©Dermot Breen

VWT's Ten-Year Strategy
Survey and monitoring, research, education, training and advocacy together represent the work of VWT as it aims to deliver significant change to the fortunes of threatened mammals through a positive and bold conservation strategy. It has extended its reach to prioritise a greater range of species over a larger geographic area, and is working increasingly at a landscape scale across Britain, Ireland and strategically targeted areas of mainland Europe.
By 2030, VWT will have:
• developed, tested and implemented a number of cutting-edge techniques and effective conservation interventions, whichintegrate social science and ecology, for VWT priority mammal populations.
• improved methods of bat conservation at a landscape scale, including techniques for enhancing landscape permeability, roosting opportunities and habitat for VWT priority bats.
• strengthened the resilience of VWT priority bat populations at the local, regional and national level with a comprehensive network of bat reserves.
• managed the recovery of VWT Priority Species so that they are self-sustaining, with minimal conflict, where habitat and other conditions are suitable.
• addressed evidence gaps and data deficiency for VWT Priority Species so that conservation effort is better informed.
Find out more in the Ten-Year Strategy document.