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Staff at Vincent Wildlife Trust have produced a range of free, downloadable resources on the work to conserve threatened mammals in Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe. Some have written books that can be bought online through NHBS.


The Bats of Britain and Ireland by HW Schofield and AJ Mitchell-Jones

This is an excellent little introduction and identification guide to 14 species of bat found throughout Britain and Ireland. Each species description covers roosts, food & feeding, breeding, status & distribution, and identification. Similar species are listed alongside each other.

The seventh edition features a redesigned style and updates the distribution maps for some of the species.

Scientific Report

Using Circuitscape to identify potential landscape corridors for the lesser horseshoe bat in Ireland

This report presents the results of a modelling study funded by National Parks and Wildlife Service during 2020. The study investigates the gaps in the distribution of the lesser horseshoe bat in Ireland over its entire range, incorporating datasets on land cover, roads, linear habitat features and density of artificial lighting, to produce a baseline map of potential ecological corridors to connect lesser horseshoe bat sub-populations.

Scientific Report

All-Ireland Squirrel and Pine Marten Survey 2019

The 2019 All-Ireland Squirrel and Pine Marten Survey was published in June 2020 and was made possible by members of the public who submitted their sightings of red and grey squirrels and pine martens across the island of Ireland during 2019. The project was led by NUI Galway in partnership with VWT, Ulster Wildlife, the National Biodiversity Data Centre and the Centre for Environmental Data and Recording in Northern Ireland. It was funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Scientific Report

Jordan, N. (2011). Strategy for Restoring the Pine Marten to England and Wales

Although sightings reports and occasional genetic evidence confirm the presence of the pine marten in parts of England and Wales, limited success in their detection despite concerted efforts suggest that they are not abundant and that populations have failed to recover from their historical decline.

Scientific Report

Jordan, N. et al. (2011). The Great North Pine Marten Pursuit Report

The ‘Great North Pine Marten Pursuit’ surveys were initiated in order to collect pine marten DNA from extant populations of England. They aimed to determine the presence of pine martens in specific areas, and so allow a focussing of future conservation resources in those areas, whilst also determining the genetic haplotype of the pine martens.

Scientific Report

McAney, K. (2010) A pilot study to test the use of hair tubes to detect the Irish stoat along hedgerows in County Galway.

In Ireland, the Irish stoat is considered to be a near-endemic subspecies, with >90% of the global population estimated to occur in the country. This study involved laying plastic baited hair tubes, 10 per 200 metres at 20m intervals, along hedgerows in the bottom left 1km2 of 10km grid squares across County Galway.