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Staff at Vincent Wildlife Trust have produced a range of free, downloadable resources on the work to conserve threatened mammals in Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe. Some have written books that can be bought online through NHBS.

Guidance document

Design for Slot Bat Box

The CJM bat box was designed to imitate niches where crevice dwelling bats might roost; such as a split in a tree trunk or behind loose bark. The three vertical ‘slots’ each of a different width, offers a choice that several species of bat, depending on their size, might use.

Guidance document

Quick-start guide to identifying small mustelids of Ireland

This ‘quick-start’ guide shows the distinguishing features of members of the small mustelid family in Britain and Ireland, which includes the otter, pine marten, polecat, polecat-ferret, mink, stoat and weasel. It also shows common small mustelid tracks and signs.

Guidance document

Lesser horseshoe bat night roost design

We have recently developed and tested a design for a night roost for lesser horseshoe bats. More information and the design of the night roost is detailed in this document.

Guidance document

Irish farms and the lesser horseshoe bat

Practical steps you can take to conserve the lesser horseshoe bat. The lesser horseshoe bat is one of our smallest bats, weighing just 4-9g. It can be identified by a horseshoe-shaped flap of skin around its nose and at rest it hangs upside down, often with its wings wrapped around its body.

Guidance document

The Irish stoat

The most recent study of this elusive mammal was conducted in County Galway three years ago. This short leaflet presents the results of this survey, as well as some additional information on one of Ireland’s oldest residents.

Guidance document

How to exclude pine martens from game and poultry pens

This leaflet provides information on practical steps you can take to protect game and domestic fowl from pine martens. Details are provided on preventative methods such as line wire and overhang electric fencing and pop holes. Guidance is also given on making hen houses marten-proof.