O’Reilly, C. et al. (2021) Not out of the woods yet: genetic insights related to the recovery of the pine marten (Martes martes) in Ireland

Pine marten populations are recovering successfully across Ireland, leading to more frequent encounters with people. The scarcity of natural denning sites often drives these animals to seek alternative shelters, such as attic spaces in people's homes, while poultry presents a tempting food source. Conflicts between pine martens, householders, and farmers could increase if not managed successfully.
Vincent Wildlife Trust is working to improve pine marten-human coexistence by:
Photo: ©Robert Cruickshanks
Through these initiatives Vincent Wildlife Trust aims to equip people with the knowledge and tools to reduce the potential for conflicts and to address challenges quickly and effectively when they arise. This will encourage better coexistence between pine martens and the public while ensuring the conservation of this species.