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Finch, D. et al. (2020) Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung Beetles: A Meta‐Analysis

This quantitative meta-analysis of 22 studies documents the non-target effects of endectocide residues on dung-dwelling organisms,  such as the Aphodiine dung beetle and provides evidence on the consequences of different application methods, and the need for standardised methodological techniques in future studies.

Aphodius fossor @British Scarabs CC BY-NC-ND

Finch, D. et al. (2020) Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung Beetles: A Meta‐Analysis


Finch, D. et al. (2020) Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung Beetles: A Meta‐Analysis