Resources | Pine marten
Guide to Small Mustelids of Ireland
A guide to the native and non-native small mustelids of Ireland – the pine marten, Irish stoat, otter, American mink and ferret.
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Catherine O’Reilly, Peter Turner, Declan T. O’Mahony, Joshua P. Twining, David G. Tosh, Christopher Smal, Kate McAney, Ciara Powell, John Power & Denise B. O’Meara (2021) Not out of the woods yet: genetic insights related to the recovery of the pine marten (Martes martes) in Ireland
In this study, the history of the pine marten (Martes martes) in Ireland is reviewed, revealing that the population has undergone several retractions and expansions over the last few hundred years. Here, we consider the genetic legacy of this flux in fortunes and its likely impacts upon the conservation and future recovery of the species. Read More
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PMRP Newsletter June 2017
Welcome to the Pine Marten Recovery Project Newsletter 2017. Here you can read the latest news from the project, including the survival and territorial establishment of the pine martens recently translocated to Wales and their breeding success to date. You can also find out more about our on-going pine marten work in other parts of Read More
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The Pine Marten in Ireland – The Irish Wildlife Trust Magazine
Read our recent article ‘The pine marten in Ireland’ from the Winter 2016 edition of the award winning Irish Wildlife Trust Magazine
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2nd All-Ireland Pine Marten Symposium Agenda
The 2nd All-Ireland Pine Marten Symposium is to be held at Ti Chulainn Community and Conference Centre on the 14 and 15 October 2016. This two-day meeting has been organised to build on the success of the first meeting held in Galway during 2014 and bring together advances in research, practical conservation and management techniques Read More
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A native enigma: the pine marten
VWT’s Ruth Hanniffy reports on new research on the pine marten in the Native Woodland Trust’s ‘Woodland’ Magazine.
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Managing forest and woodlands for pine martens
Practical measures to protect and benefit the pine marten. This leaflet aims to provide guidance on how to assess and minimise potential impacts of forest operations on the pine marten and recommend a set of measures to benefit martens that can be use d by forest managers and owners.
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The pine marten in Ireland
The pine marten is native to Ireland and is one of our rarest mammals. Once common throughout the country, by the 20th century this species had become extinct from the majority of the island, surviving only in a few isolated and fragmented populations, mainly in the west. This decline was the result of hunting of Read More
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How to exclude pine martens from game and poultry pens
This leaflet provides information on practical steps you can take to protect game and domestic fowl from pine martens. Details are provided on preventative methods such as line wire and overhang electric fencing and pop holes. Guidance is also given on making hen houses marten-proof.
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Irish Pine Marten Symposium 2014
This symposium was jointly organised by The Vincent Wildlife Trust – Ireland and the Mammal Ecology Group in NUI Galway. This document provides a copy of the abstracts of the papers presented on the day and also notes from the open discussion that took place on a number of topics prepared by Dr Colin Lawton (Head of Zoology, Read More